Ryan Fields
Senior Pastor
Pastor Ryan grew up going to church but didn't know Jesus personally as Lord and Savior until high school; since his conversion to Christ God has been at work in his life teaching him what it means, slowly but surely, to live as a child of God rather than a slave to sin. His pastoral training included MDiv, ThM, and PhD studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is ordained with the Evangelical Free Church of America and previously served as Associate Pastor at Creekside Community Church in Gainesville, FL. He is married to Emily and together they seek to serve the church and raise their three daughters (Penelope, Amelie, and Madeline).
A Personal Note from Pastor Fields
I believe firmly that the calling of the pastor-teacher is to care for and oversee the precious flock of God (Heb. 13:17). I also believe that the gospel, the good news that God graciously saves hopeless sinners in Christ by the Spirit for our good, his glory, and the renewal of all creation, is the most precious trust given to the church and that it is both the doorway and the pathway of the Christian life. This means that the pastor is called to serve God’s people by helping them to press deeper into the gospel of God that they might come to know and love in deeper and deeper ways the God of the gospel. This is why I believe one of the things God’s people need most today is faithful shepherds who strive to feed the flock from the riches of God’s Word. It is my joy and passion to teach the church how to understand, believe, and live in light of Scripture for all of life and for every pressing issue of our cultural moment.
A Personal Note from Pastor Fields
I believe firmly that the calling of the pastor-teacher is to care for and oversee the precious flock of God (Heb. 13:17). I also believe that the gospel, the good news that God graciously saves hopeless sinners in Christ by the Spirit for our good, his glory, and the renewal of all creation, is the most precious trust given to the church and that it is both the doorway and the pathway of the Christian life. This means that the pastor is called to serve God’s people by helping them to press deeper into the gospel of God that they might come to know and love in deeper and deeper ways the God of the gospel. This is why I believe one of the things God’s people need most today is faithful shepherds who strive to feed the flock from the riches of God’s Word. It is my joy and passion to teach the church how to understand, believe, and live in light of Scripture for all of life and for every pressing issue of our cultural moment.

Dan Kasey
Associate Pastor
Dan joined Faith's ministry in 2004. After graduating from Philadelphia College of Bible in 1996 (now Cairn University) with a B.S. in Bible, he worked as a youth minister at several churches. In 2012, he completed a MA in Theological Studies at Bethel Seminary of the East. In 2009, he joined the Army Reserves and serves as an Army Chaplain. After working part-time for two years as a Youth Director, Dan worked full-time as the Pastor of Youth Ministries since August 2006. In May 2009, Dan became the Pastor of Youth and Family Life. Since August 2013, Dan served full-time in adult ministry as an Associate Pastor. He is ordained with the Evangelical Free Church of America. Both Dan and Tara minister with Hope for the Children of Haiti. Dan has served on the board and Tara formerly worked as the ministry and development director. The website is www.hfchaiti.org. He and his wife, Tara, were married in 2000, and have a daughter, Jazmyn, and a son, Justin.
A Personal Note from Pastor Dan
When I was in High School we got a new youth pastor at our church. After my mother forced me to go to youth group four times, I eventually became interested in being a part of the youth group on my own. I was involved in Youth Ministry and eventually went to Philadelphia College of Bible for youth ministry.
I ask my self why? Why the change of heart? How did I go from working hard to stay away from church to working for the church? The answer is "greater understanding of Jesus Christ!" That’s what Tom did: he gave me a greater understanding. I found that God was not a God of rules but a God of freedom. For years I thought that God had all these rules He wanted me to follow, and all this sin I needed to run away from, but instead He had righteousness and joy to pursue. God has done a great work in my life and my desire is to see people fall in love with Christ, just as I have.
God has blessed me with a wonderful wife and we have been privileged to be able to travel before the kids came along to France, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Aruba, and Hawaii, and have traveled all over the Continental US and Canada.
Both Tara and I have extensive mission trip experience to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Paraguay,
and Mexico.
As an aside, I enjoy training to compete in triathlons, playing basketball, snowboarding, and hiking. Tara and I are also Advanced Certified in Scuba Diving.
A Personal Note from Pastor Dan
When I was in High School we got a new youth pastor at our church. After my mother forced me to go to youth group four times, I eventually became interested in being a part of the youth group on my own. I was involved in Youth Ministry and eventually went to Philadelphia College of Bible for youth ministry.
I ask my self why? Why the change of heart? How did I go from working hard to stay away from church to working for the church? The answer is "greater understanding of Jesus Christ!" That’s what Tom did: he gave me a greater understanding. I found that God was not a God of rules but a God of freedom. For years I thought that God had all these rules He wanted me to follow, and all this sin I needed to run away from, but instead He had righteousness and joy to pursue. God has done a great work in my life and my desire is to see people fall in love with Christ, just as I have.
God has blessed me with a wonderful wife and we have been privileged to be able to travel before the kids came along to France, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Aruba, and Hawaii, and have traveled all over the Continental US and Canada.
Both Tara and I have extensive mission trip experience to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Paraguay,
and Mexico.
As an aside, I enjoy training to compete in triathlons, playing basketball, snowboarding, and hiking. Tara and I are also Advanced Certified in Scuba Diving.

Christian Waltmire
Youth Pastor
Pastor Christian joined the ministry at Faith in August 2013. In 1995, he served as a Youth Ministry Intern at Christ's Church in NM. In 1998, Christian graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry, and in 2003, received his Master of Divinity from Haggard Graduate School of Theology. For six years Christian served as a Youth Pastor and Director of Operations at Downey Free Methodist Church in CA. Prior to joining Faith Evangelical Free Church, he served as a Youth Pastor at Brigham City Bible Church in UT for over 10 years. Cumulatively, Pastor Christian has over 20 years of youth ministry experience. He and his wife Sara were married in 1997 and have four children, Evyn, Anna, April, and Joy.
A Personal Note from Pastor Christian
Besides my parents, my youth pastors were some of the most important people God used in my life to help me become who He wanted me to be. It was one of those youth pastors who early on encouraged me to become a youth pastor. I believe God has given parents the responsibility of instructing their children. And I believe youth pastors can play an important part in helping youth grow. My goal is to partner with parents to teach youth to seek after and live for Christ.
I grew up in New Mexico, began youth pastoring in California and, before coming here, did youth ministry in Utah. My wife, Sara, and I are excited about the ministry here in the New England area with Faith Evangelical Free Church. We look forward to worshipping, learning, and fellowshipping together. We look forward to exploring the area with our four children, Evyn, Anna, April, and Joy. And, as a youth pastor and dad, I am excited about having my own children in youth ministry with me, now that they are youth group age.
I want to encourage all the youth to join together to have fun, know Christ, worship God, grow through His truth in the Bible, be loving Christian friends, use their gifts to serve Him, and reach others for Him.
A Personal Note from Pastor Christian
Besides my parents, my youth pastors were some of the most important people God used in my life to help me become who He wanted me to be. It was one of those youth pastors who early on encouraged me to become a youth pastor. I believe God has given parents the responsibility of instructing their children. And I believe youth pastors can play an important part in helping youth grow. My goal is to partner with parents to teach youth to seek after and live for Christ.
I grew up in New Mexico, began youth pastoring in California and, before coming here, did youth ministry in Utah. My wife, Sara, and I are excited about the ministry here in the New England area with Faith Evangelical Free Church. We look forward to worshipping, learning, and fellowshipping together. We look forward to exploring the area with our four children, Evyn, Anna, April, and Joy. And, as a youth pastor and dad, I am excited about having my own children in youth ministry with me, now that they are youth group age.
I want to encourage all the youth to join together to have fun, know Christ, worship God, grow through His truth in the Bible, be loving Christian friends, use their gifts to serve Him, and reach others for Him.
Contact Pastor Christian
Elder Board
Pastor Ryan Fields
Senior Pastor
Shawn Seitz
Elder (Chair)
Chris Coughlin
Pastor Dan Kasey
Associate Pastor
Pete Hanson
Elder (Vice-Chair)
Pastor Christian Waltmire
Youth Pastor
Tim King