A podcast and other resources to encourage you in your family, your marriage, and your personal relationship with Jesus. letsparentonpurpose.com
Focus on the Family
Tons of helpful resources for parenting, marriage, and faith from a biblical perspective. Find helpful information about marital communication, family relationships, family spiritual growth, kids with special needs, and more. focusonthefamily.com
Risen Motherhood
This website is designed to help moms "apply the gospel to their everyday lives" through Bible study tools, podcast, and other resources. risenmotherhood.com
Right Now Media
Right Now Media has a wonderful selection of parenting videos and videos for children including Veggie Tales, Superbook, Bibleman, and Adventures in Odyssey. Faith Church has an account with RightNow Media. Contact the church office to sign up through the church's account. rightnowmedia.org
Adventures in Odyssey - Audio
Adventures in Odyssey have encouraging messages, many times sharing the Gospel and definitely great for teaching life lessons and perfect for discussion especially with your older grade school children. adventuresinodyssey.com
Kids of Integrity Lessons
Over 30 different children's lessons that can be downloaded on topics such as acceptance, forgiveness, courage, and self control, from Focus on the Family Canada. kidsofintegrity.com
Plugged In - Media Reviews
Reviews of movies, music, games, books, and more from a Christian perspective. pluggedin.com
Parenting in the Pew Book
Parenting in the Pew: Guiding Your Children into the Joy of Worship by Robbie F. Castleman. This book is about how to help children worship God, specifically by helping them participate in the church worship service. christianbook.com/parenting
Youth Pastor Contact
You can talk, call, or email our office with questions.